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Microchip technology официальный сайт


Microchip is a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analog, security and Flash-IP solutions, as well as a wide variety of other products. We enable low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. Browse the list of product categories below or use our product selection tools which make finding the right devices as easy as possible.

Microcontrollers and Microprocessors

Effortlessly meet the ever-changing requirements of modern electronics with our portfolio of scalable 8-, 16- and 32-bit microcontrollers, digital signal controllers and microprocessors.

MPLAB ® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an expandable, highly configurable software program that incorporates powerful tools to help you discover, configure, develop, debug and qualify embedded designs for most of Microchip’s microcontrollers and digital signal controllers. MPLAB X IDE works seamlessly with the MPLAB development ecosystem of software and tools, many of which are completely free.

MPLAB X IDE brings a host of features to help you quickly debug your projects and minimize your development time. Some newer features include:

  • Data Visualizer: No need to purchase extra visualizations tools since real-time streaming data can be viewed in Data Visualizer
  • I/O View: Pin states can be verified and manipulated with I/O View for fast hardware verification
  • Helpful Design Resources: Save time with useful links to software libraries, datasheets and user guides that are provided automatically
  • Easy to Use: Register and bit definitions are now just a click away

Develop Fast Prototypes with Microchip’s Powerful, Easy-to-Use Ecosystem

  • Get your code off to a head start with MPLAB Code Configurator
  • Graphically configure peripherals and software libraries with MPLAB Harmony (32-bit PIC ® MCUs, SAM MCUs and MPUs only)
  • Download a free MPLAB XC Compiler, or unlock the full potential of code size savings and code execution speed with PRO licenses
  • Take advantage of MPLAB X IDE’s support for the open-source AVR ® and SAM GCC compilers
  • Select the best debugger for your project:
  • MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is our full-featured, most robust debugger (does not support AVR devices at this time)
  • MPLAB PICkit™ 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is fast and our most popular debugger and programmer
  • MPLAB Snap In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is our most affordable debugger
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All of Microchip’s tools can run on Windows ® , macOS ® , and Linux ® operating systems for maximum workstation flexibility. To view a complete listing of supported products, see the MPLAB X IDE Device Support List found in the documentation tab below.

Looking for an Easy Way to Get Started with MPLAB X IDE? Meet the Cloud-Based MPLAB Xpress IDE

Now supporting AVR MCUs along with PIC MCUs and dsPIC DSCs, the award-winning MPLAB Development Environment is more portable than ever. Simply navigate to mplabxpress.microchip.com from any compatible Internet browser and enjoy the streamlined MPLAB Xpress IDE without any downloads or installation.

MPLAB Code Coverage

Measure how well your code is tested using MPLAB Code Coverage. This licensed feature is available in all MPLAB XC Compilers and is fully integrated into MPLAB X IDE to provide analytical and navigational tools, dashboards, summaries and reports.

Java ® Platform and Operating System Direction

In order to align with industry standards and to continue to provide you the best experience when using MPLAB X IDE, we will be making the following changes to the IDE:

  • A license-free version of Java will be distributed with MPLAB X IDE starting in version 5.40
  • MPLAB X IDE versions up to and including 5.35 will use the last free JRE version 8 from Oracle ®

No Oracle JRE license will be required to use any version of MPLAB X IDE

  • Operating system support for Windows, Mac OS and Linux will move to 64-bit only starting with MPLAB X IDE version 5.40
  • Product support releases will be delivered independently from MPLAB X IDE starting in version 5.30 by moving to a Device Family Pack (DFP) system
  • A DFP can be applied to MPLAB X IDE version 5.30 or 5.35 to extend the life of the IDE for 32-bit operating systems
  • Not all new devices added by a Device File Pack are guaranteed to work in these versions of the IDE
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Important Note for macOS ® Users: The latest version of macOS, 10.15 Catalina, removes support for 32-bit applications. This means that current versions of MPLAB X IDE (up to version 5.40) will not run on this operating system. To run 32-bit applications, Apple unofficially recommends either that you keep an old Mac ® computer on hand that runs a pre-Catalina version of macOS or that you partition your current Mac computer so that it can start up with an older macOS version as well as Catalina.

О компании Microchip

Microchip Technology Inc. — ведущий поставщик микроконтроллеров, схем смешанного сигнала, аналоговых полупроводников и решений на основе флэш-IP. Решения Microchip обеспечивают разработку с низким уровнем риска, снижают общую стоимость системы и сокращают время выхода на рынок для тысяч различных клиентских приложений по всему миру. Штаб-квартира в Чандлер, штат Аризона. Продукция Microchip обладает высокими качеством и уровнем технической поддержки.

Продукция Microchip обладает высоким уровнем взаимозаменяемости и расширяемости — клиенты могут легко использовать новые приборы, не изменяя исходные коды. Система качества Microchip основана на элементах ISO/TS-16949 — системы качества, сертифицированной крупнейшими производителями автомобилей.

Компания предлагает широкий спектр продуктов: от бюджетных аналоговых приборов, памяти и полевых транзисторов до высокопроизводительных микроконтроллеров (PIC) и контроллеров с цифровой обработкой сигнала (dsPIC). Microchip весьма активна на рынке, только за последние годы она приобрела такие компании как SST, SMSC, Supetex, ISSC, Micrel, Atmel и другие. Каждая сделка дополняла портфель продукции Microchip новыми направлениями или расширяла существующие. Слияние с Atmel – самая крупная сделка в истории компании, значительно расширившая портфель продукции по направлениям микроконтроллеров, беспроводных компонентов и модулей, автомобильной электроники и энергонезависимой памяти.

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В настоящее время Microchip обладает широким портфелем продукции, способным удовлетворить любые потребности производителей электроники. Это, в совокупности с политикой компании не выводить из производства востребованные рынком компоненты, максимально продляя их срок жизни и обеспечивая качественную техническую поддержку, делает компанию надежным поставщиком и партнером на долгие годы.


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